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You're viewing The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring Cheat Codes

Game Name : The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2002-12-06 05:42:38
Views : 45007
Hint: Easy money:
On the East Road just out of Hobbiton (past the woodsman who trades his dagger for pipeweed), on the ledge above the stumps that summon the elves is a house. Enter it and walk up to the bookcase. Press Action and a gold coin will appear. Leave the house and re-enter. Another gold coin will be there. Repeat this to get as many coins as needed.

Strategy Guide

L O R D O F T H E R I N G S: F E L L O W S H I P O F T H E R I N G

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (PS2) FAQ/Walkthrough
Written by Saiyan Cow King
Version 1.01 released October 29, 2002
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring(tm) is part of the
Tolkien novel-based series 'Lord of the Ring'

Version History: I dunno about this, cuz I never really read em on other people's
guides, but I guess we're either supposed to put em in, or it's a good idea.

Version 1.00: My first guide ever! Just the basic walkthrough right now, not too
much depth, but it'll get you through the really tough spots, and help you through
the others.

Version 1.01: All I did was add a couple of FAQs that I got asked a couple times,
and put in a secret at the end, as sent to me by Nathan Finch. I also added this
Version History section.

If you have any questions that are not answered in my FAQ/Walkthrough, feel free to
contact me any time by e-mail at:
Please be sure that your questions are not answered in the guide, and please
refrain from sending anything of profane or vulgar nature.

Note about LotR: Fellowship of the Ring(tm): At various points in the game, I noticed
that Aragorn (Strider) will occasionally suffer from temporary and sporadic
paralysis. I believe possible causes may be leaving the game paused for too long, a
possible bug in the game just after saving, or just some random glitch. Also, in
certain levels with orcs, I occasionally found that when I killed an orc, it's
sword and shield would get up, with no body attached. This is also a bug, as your
party will attack it as if it were an enemy. Unfortunately, it cannot be killed,
although it can hurt you The only way I was able to rid myself of this pest was to
revert to my last save. This cleared it up in most cases.

On a quick side-note, this is my first FAQ/Walkthrough ever, so any tips or help
will be greatly appreciated. I apologize in advance for any errors, and if the
guide lacks clarity, feel free to e-mail me.
| Walkthrough
The game starts with a brief summary of the back-story, similar to the movie's,
although it is important to note that this game is based on the BOOKS, not the
movie. Also note that in this walkthrough I do not bother explaining any of the
side-quests, only the main story.

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I. Sell Bag End:
As with many areas to come, the beginning tends to hit you right in
the face with your objectives. To begin, you must find the deed to Bag End. It is
located in a chest by a bed. To get there, move to the doorway of the room you
start in. Head straight at the intersection and into a hallway. Go to the first
room on your right and look immediately to your left. There should be a chest.
Simply walk up to it and it will open. An item will fall out, this is the deed to
Bag End. That's all there is to it. Now you have to leave. From the room with the
deed, go into the hall and turn left. Run to the intersection and turn left again.
This should take you to the 'lobby' of Bag End. There is an item on top of a chest
that sparkles green. This is the key to Bag End. You'll need to give it to the
Gamgees later on. Look to your right and you should see the door to Bag End. Walk
towards it and you'll automatically leave. Once you're outside, talk to Sam
(triangle button), who is standing right in front of you. When you're done, run to
the left until you reach the gap in the fence. Go through and follow the path to
the bridge. Run across and head down the path. It is worth noting that any Tolkien
fans would probably enjoy simply exploring the countryside and whatnot. Also, there
are several mushrooms (Frodo's main source of healing for awhile) to be found
nearby, if you feel like looking for them.
Once you're in Bywater, head past the May-pole, through the village
square with the bell, and slightly to your left. There should be a female hobbit
standing outside of her house. This is Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, the woman you are
to sell Bag End to. Talk to her, and it becomes apparent that she wants someone to
ring the warning bell. Move to the town square and press L2. This puts you in
targeting mode. Aim at the bell and press circle. Now go back and speak to Lobelia.
The deal is made and all that remains is to retrieve the ring and give the key to
the Gamgees. Before you leave Bywater, head back towards the square and go through
it, to a small bar called "The Green Dragon" that Sam mentioned earlier, and walk
inside. Look to your right and talk to Merry and Pip (Meriadoc Brandybuck and
Peregrin Took, the ones with the green and red cloaks). Now return to Bag End. From
the entrance, head forwards, then right and go straight down the hallway. The Ring
is in a chest by the bed. Exit Bag End.

II. Avoid the Black Riders:
At this point I strongly recommend saving, as it is very easy to be caught,
which triggers an instant game over. Turn right and head towards the garden. This
triggers a cut-scene with one of the Nazgul, (black rider). Frodo gives the key to
Mister Gamgee. Now you must sneak out of Hobbiton. This can be quite tricky, as you
must walk (not run) most of the time, and you must make clever use of rocks to
distract the riders. It is absolutely vital that you do NOT under ANY circumstances
put on the Ring. The riders will immediately find you and capture you. My preferred
method is as follows: 1) from the starting point, head directly backwards and hop
the fence (X button) 2) head up the hill and immediately throw a rock (O button) 3)
observe the movements of the riders. There is a house located on the corner of two
roads meeting. Watch the riders on both roads, and if necessary, use rocks to lure
them away. 4) Run as fast as you can towards the house and slightly to the left.
You must avoid the large fence and hop over the small wall. Run down the path like
crazy, but before you reach the bridge, jump over the wall on you left and run over
the hill and by the river. 5) very slowly and carefully approach the top of the
hill. 6) look to the other end of the bridge. There is a Nazgul waiting for you.
You must lead him either across the bridge or far to the left/right of it, so that
you can run across and past it. I prefer to lead him across the bridge and past the
mill, then make a run for it, but luring him to the side can work just as well.
Once you pass him, you are through with the riders for awhile.
In Bywater, there is a hobbit under attack from a wolf. This is a very easy
fight. All you have to do is approach the wolf and press the square button
repeatedly. If you are terribly injured, use a mushroom (hold R2, scroll through
your inventory with up and down, select the mushrooms and press X). When you're
finished with the wolf, head past the town square and this time veer to the right.
Head through the trees. After you pass the arch, you'll come across a patch of
trees all bundled together. When you reach this area, the game shows a short clip
of a pack of wolves (four of them) approaching you. Seeing as how you are one
hobbit with a fairly short stick, and they are four wolves, each one bigger than
you, my advice is to run. Fast. Don't bother attacking any of them. If you really
want to, you can, although since this game has no level-gaining or stat-raising, it
really won't accomplish anything. Using the Ring is not necessary, so don't listen
to anyone who tells you to use it, including the game text.
Once you reach the next area (Greenhill County, I believe), the path is
very obvious. About halfway through, however, Frodo will stop and notice a black
rider up ahead on the road. Up ahead and on your right is a hollow log. Walk (not
run) into it and enter targeting mode. Turn to the side and use the right analog
stick to side-step until you can see the hill across the road without any part of
the log above you or to the side, but be careful to stay inside of the log. You
must throw the rocks against the hill, leading the rider gradually up the road in
the opposite direction, and again hauling your hairy-toed Self down the road and
across the bridge, into Farmer Maggot's farm. You are now done with the Hobbit town
portions of the game.

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I. Find Merry
First of all, this is one of the more annoying parts of the game, simply
because the paths are narrow and winding, and the trees will actually randomly
shift into the paths and block your way. Being the stubborn idiot that I am,
however, I shall strive to make it clear as to how to navigate the forest. Begin by
following the only path available to you. You will reach a tree blocking the way.
Turn around and run all the way back to the gate at the starting point, then return
to find that the tree in the path has moved. Go through the now-clear path until
you are attacked by a spider. This is fairly easy as well, in that all you really
have to do is run towards it and continuously hit the square button. Head down the
left path when you reach the spider. As you run, you will hear Merry call out to
you. When you reach an intersection, the game will automatically tell you that
you've found him. Merry will now follow you (although more often than not, he'll
follow too slowly and become lost again, but don't worry, you don't have to find
him again unless you want to).

II. Find Pippen
From the point where Merry joins you, run straight ahead until you reach a
Y-shaped intersection. Head left, then at the next Y-shaped intersection, take a
left. Once you hear Pip's voice, turn right.

III. Find Sam
Double-back the way you came, and run down the left path. The next
intersection has three paths ahead of you. Take the path on the right, then turn to
the right again when you hear Sam's call for help.

IV. Boss fight: Old Man Willow
First of all, follow the river upstream. When you stop for a cut-scene,
you'll have to fight Old Man Willow. Don't be intimidated, it's actually an
insanely easy fight, you just need to know the trick. As soon as the fight starts,
press O (circle). This will cause a short cut-scene where you are informed not to
attack Old Man Willow's trunk, as he has taken Merry and Pip hostage in his mouth.
However, this should also set you up in the *perfect* spot. DO NOT move at all! As
soon as you regain control, stand perfectly still. Press L2 to go to targeting
mode. You should be mere inches out of reach of his closest limb, and fewer inches
out of reach of his roots behind you. Carefully target his furthest limb. Be ready
to adjust the aim slightly. If you do it just right, you should be able to wait for
him to slam his fist, press circle, and no matter which fist it is, you can hit it.
Be VERY careful not to EVER hit his trunk. It takes a LOT of hits to the limbs, but
it's the only way to kill him. After you destroy both arms (trust me, it'll happen
eventually), it'll be over and Tom Bombadil will show up to save the day.

V. Lillies for Goldberry
This area is pretty much self-explanatory. Follow Tom on his walk. If you
see a green flower, pick it up. There's 12 total, and most of them are on Tom's
route. When you get all 12, find Tom and talk to him (triangle). I'll give the
exact locations on a future update.

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I. Forest Behind Tom's House
This is pretty straightforward also, just follow the path to the top, and
kill anything that stands in your way. In case you haven't noticed, your party
members are much slower than you are, but they will help to fight (or suck up
attacks) the enemies. It is far more advantageous to outnumber your enemy than to
be outnumbered. When you reach the top level, it can be easy to overlook the exit.
There is a small opening where you fight a wolf, but it's a dead end. However, if
you look to the left of it, there is a narrow pathway to the exit.

II. The Missing Hobbits
*sighs* Yeah, they got lost AGAIN. This time is much easier in some
respects, but more difficult in others. You must now fight ethereal ghosts with a
stick. And they can hurt you pretty bad. They also get to gang up on you three or
more at a time, and they blend into the fog around you. However, the path is much
easier to follow here. From the starting point, head forward and to the right.
Through the narrow passage is a group of ghosts. If you haven't saved in awhile,
I'd suggest you do so now. Once you deal with the ghosts, head down to the right,
and head towards the lake. Three more ghosts here. Go down to the lake, then up to
the right. Look for an easy-to-miss path upwards to the spire on your left as you
go up the hill. Once you deal with the ghosts here, resist the natural temptation
to head towards the lake, being the logical next place to go. Instead, look for a
narrow path on your right that wraps around the side of the hill. Go up the hill on
your left, fight the four ghosts, and head up the path on your right. You should
reach the highest point around, and it will take you inside somewhere.

III. Boss fight: Barrow-wight
Here you must fight a Barrow-wight. Don't worry, it's not nearly as tough
as it sounds (or looks). First of all, be very careful of it's green breath attack.
It can hurt you . . . really bad. Again, you must resist certain natural instincts,
which in this case are to rush him and pummel him with your stick. Instead you must
run around him and hop up on to a ledge to your right and make your way to the
chest which contains a dagger that you can use to actually hurt him. Hit him with
the dagger and he'll disappear in the ground for a moment, then reappear farther
away. After 3-5 hits, Frodo will call for Tom Bombadil.

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I. Prancing Pony
This is pretty straightforward also. All you have to do is run forward and
go down the hall on your right. When you reach an intersection, turn to your left
and you'll be in the dining hall. You can talk to some people here, including your
party members. When you're done, talk to Strider, he's the tall guy in light brown
clothes and long black hair. He'll suggest that you speak with the inn keeper if
you intend to stay the night. Now go back to the start and Butterbur will be there.
Talk to him and return to the dining hall. A short cut-scene will show Frodo
slipping on the Ring accidentally in front of everyone, and Strider will speak to
you in your room.

II. The Town
At last! You get the chance to control someone else!! And Aragorn, no less!
When you gain control, play around for a minute to adjust. His attacks are
slightly different. You'll probably notice early on that you can't jump. Instead,
Strider kicks people. This is actually a very effective move if you're fighting
someone in a hurry. Once an enemy is knocked down, you can walk closer to him and
press the square button to kill him instantly. This saves a lot of time, especially
against the orcs later on. Also worth noting is that he has a bow instead of rocks.
Now then, once you are familiar with the controls, run straight ahead until you
find an enemy. Kill him, and run down the path to your far left to grab some cram,
more powerful healing. Go back and take the other path. At the first left, you'll
find Merry. He will now follow you around until you reach the Prancing Pony. First,
however, you must gather items to make convincing decoys. Head down the path on
your left until you reach another enemy. Kill him and search the room on the right
for a pile of logs. Now run back towards the Prancing Pony. Watch for a barrel that
sparkles, as it has the rags you'll need. When you reach the large open area, head
to the right. Defend the little guy, and gather the hay from the stables. Now head
towards the Prancing Pony, but run past it down to a little market area. Behind a
stand on your left are the melons you need. Now return to the Prancing Pony.

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I. Weathertop
This is simple, just follow the path to the top. It's easy, I promise. ^_~

II. Boss fight: The Big Troll
This guy seems incredibly tough, especially when he hits you. Once you know
what to do, though, it's pretty easy, if a little nerve-wrecking. Even after having
killed several other cave-trolls, fighting in this close of an area is still
imposing. Now then, as for the strategy, I'm sure there are several that people
will give you, so here's mine: wait until he gets to you and as soon as he gets
ready to swing at you, run out of range. As soon as you are safe, press O (circle)
to fire an arrow. Repeat this enough times and he'll go down without ever hitting

III. The Nazgul
This can get tricky. First and foremost, you should have traded in your
longsword for a flaming stick. I've heard that this does not always happen for some
reason, so if you're trying to fight with a sword, reload the game. Also, keep a
close eye on that health meter, these guys hurt when they hit. If any of the
determined little buggers reaches Frodo, beat them silly with your four hit combo
and they should leave him alone for awhile. After several hits (about six each),
they will retreat. When they are all gone, you win.

IV. The Road
This is pretty straightforward. Just kill everything in sight. There are a
lot of wolf/rat things (I hope you like killing these things, cuz they're here for
most of the game) and trolls. A few of the goblin/orc/whatever things. When you
reach the end of the path, you should get a message at the bottom of the screen
that says, "All enemies have been cleared from the area." When you get this
message, you're done with the level.

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I. The Council of Elrond
All you have to do here is talk to people, and then walk into the door to
the left of Elrond.

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I. Find the Entrance to Moria
Yay! You get to be Gandalf! An old . . guy . . . with a glowing stick and a
sword that he can barely . . . use . . . . Well, at least he has magic. You'll end
up needing it a lot, too, so get used to it, and be sure to keep your eyes open for
Miruvor, the only thing that can restore spirit energy. From the camp, head forward
and to the right. Once you get to the bottom of the hill, go left. Now there are
three ways you can go from here, and I believe it may be random, but I'm not sure.
I use the middle path first. You'll see an archer on it firing flaming arrows at
you. Run to the right, then look left to see the path. It runs up the hill back and
forth. When you reach the top, you should see a lake. Run around the lake until the
game cuts to a cinematic.

II. Boss Fight: Lake Creature
Now you're Aragorn again . . . what's with these people? Oh well, this
fight is short and easy, so don't worry. I know it looks big and scary, but just
stand still and hold O (circle) until it dies. If you get hurt too bad, just eat
something (Cram/Lempas). Once you kill two or three of the arms, the fight is
basically over and you'll be done getting hit for the most part.

III. The Mines of Moria
Well, now you're in. And you're stuck. Despite the fact that they don't
tell you *why* you're stuck, you are. Now you have to find the way out. It's pretty
direct, but I'm here for ya, cuz it's not hard to get lost, especially once you get
to Frodo's part. Run straight ahead and up the stairs. When you reach the door,
walk up to the switch (it looks like a short barrel with a stick on top of it) and
press triangle. Run through the room (don't miss the Miruvor), and use the switch
in front of the other door. Run straight ahead until you reach a broken pillar.
Turn right and head down the left path (not the obscure right path that leads to a
Miruvor, although you may want to collect that before you leave). Follow the path
as it bends left, then right. Fight your way across the two bridges. Turn to your
left, run to the small room and run to the right. Fight across another bridge and
head straight. Follow the hall to the right and stand on the square platform and
wait for it to go down. Go into the hall in front of you and turn right. Take the
left pathway this time, and follow the path up. After the room with a big square
well, head straight, but watch for the chasm. Watch the cut-scene and head out
through the door (use the switch). From here, head straight and use the switch near
the edge of the cliff. This extends a bridge through another room. Head back and
take the right path (on your left, now). Watch a cut-scene about Gollum. Head to
your left and run across the bridge you just made. Watch out for the cave troll. Go
to the room on your left again. Watch another bridge extend. Now backtrack as
follows: right, across a bridge, right. Now go straight ahead and open the door
with the switch right next to it. Turn to the right and run across this new bridge
and into the door. Run across the big bridge and enter the mini-maze. Turn right,
right, left, left, and right. Look to the left and there's a big door with a switch
next to it. Open the door with the switch. Watch the cut-scene. This next part
forces you to find your way out with three passages. Well, since the entire point
of this part of the book was that Gandalf couldn't remember which way to go, the
paths are entirely random as to which leads to the exit. However, once you find the
right path, it is identical, no matter which path (left, middle, or right) it was.
It curves left and has a small hill. There will be 3-4 creatures at the base and an
archer at the top of the hill. When you find this, you know it's the way out. The
hill path bends right, then left, and then has a door with a switch. Open the door
and go through it. You're now done with the stupid labyrinth.

V. Boss Fight: Two Trolls (21st hall, 20th hall, four statues)
Okay, this is absolutely the easiest "boss" in the entire game, yet for a
very understandable reason, it is often the largest source of frustration in the
game. I personally had to spend several hours running around the room, fire
blasting everything in sight and killing both Trolls before I finally figured it
out, and even then it was purely by accident. After you have explored the room for
a few minutes, it becomes painfully clear that the solution has something to do
with the four statues in the middle of the room and the four push plates next to
them. The answer is simple: you must push the statues onto the push-plates. To do
this, stand directly behind them and hold the triangle button. While holding the
button, push in the direction of the push plates. Push all four statues onto the
plates and run through the door, down the hall and turn to the right. Simple
enough, right? Well, just enjoy that one, cuz the next boss isn't so easy.

VI. 2nd Hall (Frodo's part)
Well, for some lame reason the people who made this game decided to throw
this in here solely for the purpose of giving Frodo more time in the game and
adding to the total length of the game itself. This is another point that induces a
LOT of stress. However, I'm here to guide ya, so just take a deep breath and head
through the gate. Run straight. Notice the bucket hanging by a chain? Just past
that, you're gonna run to the left. At the end of the ledge, jump across to the
next ledge. Run to the right and jump to the next ledge. This ledge has a fallen
pillar that you can walk up. Run up to the top and kill the archer there. Now you
see that blue rock over there? Get behind it (in relation to the edge of the ledge
you're on) and hold triangle. Now push it over the ledge. Run and jump back to
where you left Gimli. Run over to the blue rock and push it along the line on the
floor to the push plate. This opens the door to the hall. Now you have to make your
way over there. Run back towards the entrance of the room, slightly to the right.
Look for a half-bridge. Right beside your half of the bridge is a switch. Look
carefully, it's easy to miss. Use the switch to extend the bridge. Run across and
follow the narrow paths. When you get to the big open area, turn to the right and
run to the next bridge. This time you have to climb a ladder. This area can be
annoying because you have to fight the orc/goblin/whatever the heck they're
supposed to be things all alone and in tight spaces where falling too far to either
side means falling to your death. Some people may use the Ring in this area, and
while I absolutely do not suggest it, it is one way through. Just be very careful
to watch the meter in the top-right corner of the screen. I personally suggest that
you just fight the guys, because it's far easier than trying to run the whole ledge
in the 20 seconds you have until you're fully corrupted. Whatever you do, get to
the ladder and climb down. Use the switch to let Gimli across and at this point it
would be wise to run back a little ways, because a large number of enemies is
running for you. If you get caught in too tight of an area, it's almost impossible
to survive. Once you've extended the bridge and dealt with the enemies, run to the
door and you're done.

VII. Boss Fight: The Balrog
Now this guy is much tougher than the last one. First of all, if you
haven't saved in awhile, SAVE! Second, heal yourself if you need it. Now then, the
trick isn't much of a trick. Cast lightning and he'll be stunned long enough to hit
him about 3 times if you're quick. Unfortunately, he's got a mean swing, so you'll
die if his sword touches you. You need to shock him, run up to him, wait for him to
recover, shock him before he gets the chance to swing, then hit him a couple times
with your sword. Shock, swing, repeat. You should have this guy in a few minutes.
Also worth noting is that when your spirit energy gets low, Aragorn will say
"Gandalf, Take this," and it would seem that nothing happens. However, if you check
your inventory, you'll find that he gave you a Miruvor. If you're using lightning
(which you SHOULD be ^_~) then you can attack until he says this the second time,
then use a Miruvor.

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Not much to do here, other than talk to the people. When you're done, head
towards the ladder in the other room.

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I. Clear the Shore
Hang in there, guys, you're almost done! For this part, simply head
straight and kill everything in front of you. The orcs are nasty in that they tend
to block a lot of your attacks. If you have a problem with them, try kicking them
to the ground (X button) and stabbing them (square button while they're on the
ground). The trolls you should know by now, but basically my suggested strategy is
to run and shoot them with arrows. It takes roughly 20 arrows to take em down, so
ya better be quick on your feet. ^_~

II. Follow the Nazgul
Sam's been hobbit-napped . . . this seems familiar . . . oh yeah, it's just
like half the Frodo levels at the start of the game, where you have to "find the
missing hobbits" down. Well, at least this time there's lots of fighting and you
play as Strider. Well, from the campfire, look around. Run the opposite direction
of the boats. If you hit a wall, search to the left a little until you run into
some orcs. From the small cliff that you're on, look towards your campfire. Now
look to the right until you see another campfire. Now look to the right until you
see another campfire. No, that wasn't a typo, count over two campfires (as in, your
campfire, look to the right til you see a campfire, then look for another campfire
to the right of that). Run towards this campfire. Deal with the orcs that come your
way and run up the hill they just came from. Now before you go running off after
those two archers, SAVE . . . NOW . . . trust me, there are two trolls and three
wolf/rats just past those archers, and another troll right after that. You are
likely to die up there, especially if you're reading this FAQ because you need to.
Once the two trolls are dead, run up and to the right. Deal with the third troll,
run through the path, and kill the archers and the wolf/rats. Run up and to the
left (follow the stairs). Go into targeting mode and kill the archers. At some
point Legolas will appear on that ledge, so don't try to kill him. You'll just end
up wasting a lot of time. Drop down into the canyon thing, and prepare for another
troll fight. This time Legolas is providing cover fire, so it's not as tough. When
it dies, run past it and under the arch-thing. Turn to the left and head up over
the top of it.

III. Frodo's climb
This part is pretty easy, although there's a lot of orcs, and you're a
hobbit . . . you can do it though! There aren't any tricks needed through here,
just keep swinging and healing. It's best not to try and fight these guys toe-to-
toe, especially because they're bigger and there are more of them than you. Just
head up the hill, saving frequently if you die a lot. You're almost done, I

IV. Boss Fight: The Nazgul Rider
Okay, this one is actually pretty sad, as far as difficulty goes. See the
big ruins on your right? Head towards them and run up the stairs. At the very top
is a throne. Stand in front of it as close as you can. Enter targeting mode and
wait for the rider to circle a couple times. After 2 laps (maybe 3?) he'll charge
you. Don't worry, the throne will block the attacks. Fire an arrow at him as he
passes overhead. Two hits should kill him. Then you see a nifty lil cinematic of
Legolas shooting the creature through the neck.

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Well, that's it! You did it, ya beat the game! Wasn't that fulfilling? You
did all that just to see the credits, which you can see from the options menu
anyway . . .

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Q: How do I use the One Ring?
A: Scroll through your inventory (Hold R2 and press up/down/left/right) and press
the X button when you select the Ring.

Q: What does Frodo's purity do?
A: First of all, there are two "purity" meters. One is a golden bar at the right
end of the meter. It will slowly decrease as you wear the Ring, and will only be
restored when you receive the message "Your purity has increased." The other is the
purple line inside the meter. It will decrease gradually when you wear the ring,
and it restores itself gradually when you are not wearing the Ring. However, it
will never regenerate beyond the golden bar.

Here's a great tip courtesy of Nathan Finch:

If you look closely just before you reach the second campfire where the 2 trolls
and the wolves are, there is a hill with a fallen tree on it near the water. If you
walk along the fallen tree to the top of the hill, suddenly Gollum will appear.
Gollum is on a ledge, and behind him is a huge waterfall (looks like Niagra falls,
but is probably the Falls of Rauros, if you are familiar with the book). In the
short cut scene, Gollum will say several silly things to Aragorn and then throw a
fish at him. For the rest of the game Aragorns sword will be that Fish!! (go into
inventory and look at the description of the sword, its pretty funny). The fish is
the most powerful weapon in the game 2-3 hits will kill the nazgul or the trolls.

That's all for now, send any helpful comments to:
Send any hate mail to: (not really, but I don't
want hate mail, send constructive criticism only).

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